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Dr. Paddy Pampallis


Dr. Paddy Pampallis is a trailblazer in the fields of integral leadership, executive coaching, and training and developing coaches, with groundbreaking research on Supervision for Executive Coaching.


Her work reaches academic, business, and institutional contexts, and brings together Freud’s depth psychology, Scharmer’s theory U, Wilber’s Integral Theory, and coaching psychology and practice. She has founded, co-founded and directed multiple national and regional institutions which offer teaching of integral applications to leaders, practitioners, and students of coaching, including COMENSA (Coaches and Mentors in South Africa), the Integral+ Africa Institute™ (a community of cultivating practice into praxis with new ways of seeing and hearing), The Integral Coaching Centre, and the Ubuntu Coaching Foundation™. Currently, she is on the council at McGregor Wisdom School that is based on Integral Spiritual approaches and practical community wisdom, while engaging in grass roots practical wisdom offered to bridging the huge divides in habitats, structures, and education. She not only is a faculty (at coaching schools and various universities) and board member, international presenter, but also an activist, psychologist/ therapist, executive coach, supervisor, and consultant.


She resides in Cape Town, and is working on bringing and sharing African wisdom and Integral theory to the rest of the world.

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